Application Form – English Application Form - English Year to start school* Surname Child's Name Name on Birth Certificate Address PPSN Mobile No. Email Date of birth Gender Religion Nationality Mother's name Mother's maiden name Mother's work phone Mother's work address Father's name Father's work phone Father's work address Nunber of children in the family Position of child in the family Did you / do you have other children attending the school Yes No Please name them Language spoken at home I am a past pupil Yes No Is your child attending a preschool/ early intervention setting or another primary school (please name school)? If applying for a place in the Autism class please fill out below I would like to apply for a place in the Autism class. My child has a diagnosis of Autism Reports/Assessments: please include with the application form I understand that Gaelscoil na Dúglaise is an Irish Medium primary school under the patronage of the Bishop and I agree to support the ethos of the school. will notify the School of any change of address or phone number. Signature* Date* Submit