Fáilte go Gaelscoil na Duglaise
Welcome to Gaelscoil na Dúglaise.
We are extremely proud of our unique and positive atmosphere. In this space our pupils thrive, both inside and outside of the classroom. Our school has a strong track record for care and wellbeing and for catering for students of all abilities with a myriad of interests. At Gaelscoil na Dúglaise we are very proud of our autism class. The same supports are available to children with additional needs in our school as they are in any primary school.
Great Teachers
Student-Teacher Ratio
Special Need Assistants
Bilingualism is the ability to speak, read and write in two languages. Research suggests that bilingual education offers pupils the added benefits of being able to use two languages and being aware of other cultures. By dual literacy, we mean the added ability to move confidently and smoothly between Irish and English languages for different purposes.
The school motto is “Doras Feasa Fiafraí” meaning that an enquiring mind is the door to knowledge. Each child’s sense of curiosity will be guided in its search of knowledge through the medium of Irish. The individual child will be at the centre of school life and each decision taken will be for the benefit of the children.
A happy, secure environment will be nurtured in which each child will achieve his full potential linguistically, cognitively, socially, physically, aesthetically, spiritually and morally.